Don't be afraid of making mistakes.
As with every difficult task, the key to speaking English with confidence is to practice, practice and practice some more.
Be consistent in your language journey and make sure to set aside some time every day to speak English!
Basic Of English Grammar
If you just started learning English, you first need to know some basic rules of the language. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only help you create your own sentences correctly but will also make it easier to improve your communication skills in both spoken and written English.
Study all the lessons below and incorporate your learning into your speaking and writing.
Basic English Grammar Lessons
1. Singular And Plural 11. Conditional Tenses
2. Countable Nouns vs. Uncountable Nouns 12. The Present Participle
3. Possessive Nouns 13. Active And Passive Voice
4. Pronouns 14. Gerunds vs. Infinitives
5. Auxiliary Verbs - 'Be', 'Do', 'Have' 15. Adjectives
6. Agreement 16. Adverbs
7. Action Verbs 17. Conjunctions
8. Simple Tenses 18. Articles
9. Irregular Verbs 19. Modals
10. Progressive And Perfect Tenses 20. Prepositions
Study Basic Grammar | Study Intermediate Grammar | Study Upper-Intermediate Grammar | Study Advanced Grammar
Vocabulary & Pronunciation
Study Basic Vocabulary | Study Intermediate Vocabulary | Improve Your Basic Pronunciation | Improve Your Intermediate Pronunciation
English For Academic Purposes
English For Everyday Situations
The English We Speak | English For Work - Business English
Regular English Lesson Categories
Regular English lessons contain key sentences for many different scenarios that are used in everyday life. This will be most useful to you because all the sentences are everyday sentences that are regularly used.
You don't have to worry about studying English sentences that are not used in everyday use.
Greetings And General Things
Health - Dating - Marriage
Guys - Girls - And Sports
Feelings And Emotions
Family - Children - Friends
Business English Lesson Categories
Business English lessons are targeted for people with office jobs. Each lesson contains multiple sentences that will enable you to learn how to say those sentences.
You should be able to easily find what you need by the different subcategories. Repetition of what you have learned will help you to improve your business English.
Business Lessons
Office Basics
Computer Related
Explanations and Presentations
Phone Calls
Talking To Coworkers
Talking To The Boss
Talking To Subordinates
Business Trips
English Listening Lessons
Listening is an important part of communication. If you do not understand what the other person is saying, then you will not know how to respond.
Basic Listening Lessons
Intermediate Listening Lessons
Advanced Listening Lessons
Idioms and Phrases Lesson Categories
In the Idioms and Phrases section, you will find key phrases with an explanation, example sentences, and other ways of saying the same phrase.
I will teach you those commonly used idioms and phrases to help you speak English fluently.
Interview English Lesson Categories
There are over a hundred questions and several hundred answers to study. Each Interview question is listed below each subcategory. Within each lesson, you will find the question and several different ways of answering, along with an explanation.
I will help you improve your interview skills while improving your English speaking.
Interview Lessons
Basic Interview Questions
Work Related Interview Questions
Miscellaneous Interview Questions
Steps to Learning English
To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. The lessons are structured to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.